Costco Haul

10 Weekly Costco Haul Staples

Costco is our favorite grocery store! I always have a weekly Costco haul to grab healthy staples. In addition to our weekly staples, I also cruise the aisles to see if there is anything else I “need”. I always leave with something that isn’t on the list. Who else is guilty?


Eggs are a must have for us! We eat 5-6 eggs each day for breakfast in additional to using any for cooking. We prefer to buy pasture-raised eggs locally, but that’s not always an option.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are my favorite! I keep a batch of baked sweet potatoes in the fridge. This means I always have a quick lunch or snack I can grab, so I don’t make poor food choices. Another one of my favorites, is cooking sweet potato hash and eggs for breakfast.


Mmmmm, avocados! I bounce between buying avocados and avocado mash. Both are delicious! I love fresh avocados, but it’s easy for me to miss their “ripe” window.


Lemon water in the morning is a great way to start the day! I also use lemons a lot in various recipes throughout the week.


Limes are staples in my salsa and Mexican inspired dishes! Looking for a good salsa recipe?


I love adding raw broccoli to my salads or grabbing some just to snack on. And of course, roasted broccoli is delicious!

Brussel Sprouts

I thought I didn’t like brussel sprouts for the longest, but I was so wrong! They are one of my favorite foods now. There are so many different recipes that are tasty. You can never go wrong with simple roasted brussel sprouts.


Salads are an everyday meal at our house, so we always have a container of greens. We change it up between power greens, spinach and spring mix. If we have power greens or spinach, I’ll use them in smoothies, sauté them or add them to a recipe.


I love mushrooms in omelets, salads and sautéed!


Blueberries are a perfect snack and addition to breakfast or lunch! You can also make blueberry muffins. Don’t miss my blueberry muffin recipe!

What’s in your Weekly Costco Haul?

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